I go back and forth between meatless meals and including meat in my dietary plans. I’ll go weeks without meat, but eventually I’ll add some salmon, and some lean beef. I’m not a huge fan of chicken breast just because I don’t like how dry it tastes in my mouth. The few times I do eat it, I’m sitting chewing like a cow chewing curd. Moo! I’m trying to be more intentional on meal planning, balancing gut health and working on desserts that are will curb the craving for sweets but on the healthier side. I’m a strong believer that you can basically have it all BUT in a healthy way. This is what I have so far, feel free to add to the list in the comments. (Note: Pancakes made with coconut flour are delish!) Remember to listen to your body’s cues, prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods, and nourish yourself

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I don’t know about y’all but I feel like I have tried keto, I’ve tried going no meat which if you know me, you’d know that wasn’t going to last, ha! I actually do like Mediterranean food but personally I feel its very labor intensive so I am very random with it. When I googled the different food benefits and the ‘why’s’, I realize I don’t eat too badly. The one major thing that works against me is the insane urge to bake a whole cake and as an empty nester, that’s a no no. Hold on, let me upload a real picture, by me so you can understand the struggle. Yummy! But I digress… or I may have just come up with a new topic to discuss. Theee sugar cravings! Let’s look at some superfoods and their benefits for our peri and menopause community. Let me know in the

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