As we immerse ourselves in Mental Health Awareness Month this May, it’s crucial to shine a light on a common yet often overlooked challenge faced by many women in midlife: brain fog. It can cloud our thoughts, dampen our focus, and leave us feeling disconnected from ourselves and the world around us. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of addressing brain fog with mindfulness and holistic practices. While we’ll delve into exercises, nutrition, and community support, it’s essential to recognize that this blog is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Seeking help from qualified healthcare providers is paramount for comprehensive care, support and wellness. 1. Understanding Brain Fog: Brain fog is a term used to describe a range of symptoms that affect cognitive function and mental clarity. From forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating to feeling mentally “foggy” or “clouded,” brain fog can manifest in various ways and impact our

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I have had a week! I went out to a wine jazz event last Friday in Dallas, and noticed my arm and back were hurting something fierce. I have been feeling like someone had stuck a hot knife in me and twisted… I’m so dramatic but the pain was real. Coupled with my night sweats, I couldn’t take it ya’ll. I went to the clinic and found out it was shingles! Get your vaccine people, I’ve been dragging my feet and this is what I get. Worse when you read about it online and the possibility of long lasting symptoms? I can’t even. On a better note, this all triggered me to see an HRT Specialist. I saw the best HRT Specialist, she was so awesome. I felt seen and heard. I told her that I write a blog and she gave me so much material on and around midlife

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When I tell you getting to sleep is like a whole theatre prep! Winding down, no TV, no phone, and fans… so many fans. Living in Texas and as hot as it can get, I’m out here using a ceiling fan, floor fan, air conditioning set in the 60s. Portable fans in my purse. We all have our individual wind down schedules that may or may not work for us. I have been struggling lately with getting a proper 8-hour shut eye, so I’m trying to tweak my evenings hoping for a better outcome. Let me know what works for you. 1. Understanding Menopause and Sleep:  Menopause brings about a myriad of changes in our bodies, including shifts in hormone levels that can disrupt our sleep-wake cycle. Estrogen and progesterone play a crucial role in regulating sleep, and as these hormones decline during menopause, sleep disturbances become more common. Understanding

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I go back and forth between meatless meals and including meat in my dietary plans. I’ll go weeks without meat, but eventually I’ll add some salmon, and some lean beef. I’m not a huge fan of chicken breast just because I don’t like how dry it tastes in my mouth. The few times I do eat it, I’m sitting chewing like a cow chewing curd. Moo! I’m trying to be more intentional on meal planning, balancing gut health and working on desserts that are will curb the craving for sweets but on the healthier side. I’m a strong believer that you can basically have it all BUT in a healthy way. This is what I have so far, feel free to add to the list in the comments. (Note: Pancakes made with coconut flour are delish!) Remember to listen to your body’s cues, prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods, and nourish yourself

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As women, we are forever ripping and running that we ignore our bodies while taking care of everyone else. If there is one thing that I would like to be the outcome of this blog, is for us to do better by ourselves. I have lost way too many people, who just collapse and die. As women, there are so many things going on inside and majority of us do not prioritize our health. In the US, 1 out of 5 women die of heart disease. That is a scary statistic, and it’s called the silent killer for a reason. We don’t know we have it until we do. The question most of us ask is, how do I know if I am in perimenopause/menopause? How can I tell? What are the signs of menopause? Below are some of the more common signs, but as I’m finding out on my

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I don’t know about y’all but I feel like I have tried keto, I’ve tried going no meat which if you know me, you’d know that wasn’t going to last, ha! I actually do like Mediterranean food but personally I feel its very labor intensive so I am very random with it. When I googled the different food benefits and the ‘why’s’, I realize I don’t eat too badly. The one major thing that works against me is the insane urge to bake a whole cake and as an empty nester, that’s a no no. Hold on, let me upload a real picture, by me so you can understand the struggle. Yummy! But I digress… or I may have just come up with a new topic to discuss. Theee sugar cravings! Let’s look at some superfoods and their benefits for our peri and menopause community. Let me know in the

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Here are five low-impact exercises for women in middle age, along with explanations of how each one affects the body with adjustments for beginners, and for those that are advanced. 1. Walking:    – Effect on the Body: Walking is a fantastic low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular health, strengthens bones, and boosts mood. It also helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.    – Beginner Level: Start with a leisurely stroll around your neighborhood or a nearby park for 15-20 minutes at a comfortable pace. Focus on maintaining good posture and swinging your arms naturally.    – Advanced Modification: Increase the intensity by incorporating intervals of brisk walking or adding inclines. You can also try power walking or Nordic walking with walking poles to engage more muscles and burn additional calories. 2. Swimming:    – Effect on the Body: Swimming

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So ladies, let’s go over some things. I’m hoping to cover most if not all, but if there’s something I have not touched please let me know your thoughts and/or experience in the comments. 1. The Hormonal Hoopla: Hormones – the little buggers wreaking havoc on our bodies and minds. From hot flashes to mood swings that make the stock market look stable, hormonal changes are the ringleaders of the midlife circus. But hey, let’s embrace life and living. Swap war stories with friends, join a Facebook groups or follow Gen X content creators and you will find that you are not alone. Remember, laughter is the best medicine (unless you’re dealing with menopausal acne – then maybe try some spot treatment). 2. The Battle of the Bulge: So, you’ve noticed a few extra pounds sneaking onto your once svelte frame. Welcome to the club! Midlife metabolism slowdown is as

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Welcome to my world of midlife madness! Can we talk about how our bodies change? I had my uterus removed at age 37, but hey, my ovaries are still kicking. Little did I know the rollercoaster ride I was in for! I blew up like a pufferfish, my face turned into a perfect circle, and I was as uncomfortable as a cat in a bath. Solo pics? Forget it! I was the master of the back-row maneuver in group photos. But fear not! I embarked on a fitness frenzy, running during lunch breaks and hitting the weights like a champ. Thanks to the gym conveniently nestled downstairs at my desk job, I bid farewell to the extra pounds. Just when I thought I was back to feeling fabulous, cue the hot flashes! Talk about timing, right? And let’s not even get started on the mustache and those two stubborn chin

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